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Ceramic Water Filter

Ceramic water filters (CWF) are an inexpensive and effective type of water filters that rely on the small pore size of ceramic material to filter dirt, debris, bacteria, paramecium, protozoa and other micro organism out of water. This makes them ideal for use in developing countries, emergencies situation , offgrid cabin etc. Berkey Water Filter – The Best Gravity Water Filters .

TEMBO Water Filter Program – – Together with a local women cooperative, MSABI developed a locally produced and highly efficient ceramic water filter. The filters have been branded TEMBO filters (from the Swahili name Elephant) and an attractive logo and branding material have been developed. The filter is the result of a research and development effort, involving production of several hundred prototypes, collaboration with the international NGO Potters for Peace and testing of microbiological filter efficiency in the laboratory of the Ifakara Health Institute.
The filters have an average 99.8% efficiency in removing E.Coli and other bacteria from contaminated water. The product has the capacity to produce an average of 50 liters of clean drinking water per day, sufficient for supplying an entire family with safe drinking water.
Filters are sold without subsidy with the intention of establishing a self-reliant, financially sustainable business. The cost of a filter is 40,000 TZS (18.50 USD) with 36 month life expectancy. We currently have the capacity to produce up to 300 filters per month.
MSABI acknowledges the importance of a widespread marketing and advertising campaign to promote the uptake and demand for the TEMBO filters. To date we have piloted a number of targeted initiatives including radio broadcasts, village-based distributors, partnering with local health clinics and a micro-finance organization, restaurant display units, and adverts featuring local VIP’s.
TEMBO Water Filter: Provide a locally made household water treatment solution through the Upendo Women’s Group.
MSABI is one of the largest water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) non profit organizations in Tanzania.
Contact Details: MSABI, P.O. Box 284, Ifakara, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Email:, Tel: +255 688 688 635, Web: Facebook: Twitter: @msabi_org

By raincentre

You will find here best resources on rainwater harvesting and purification in my blog and websites. Copyright lies with the respective content creator and writer. I started RainWaterHarvesting Yahoo Forum in June 2003.

Please free to write to me at raincentre at duck dot com.

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