glacier snow


Snow harvesting is a method used to address water scarcity in cold deserts and higher altitude regions that experience snowfall.

In Siberia’s northeastern region of Yakutia, villagers are harvesting ice. Water from the ice is their only source of drinking water through the long winter when the tap water freezes.

Documentary movie about life in Yakutia, the coldest inhabited region on Earth with the lowest recorded temperature -71°C (-95°F) and the average winter temperature -50°C (-58°F).

Snow harvesting is a method used to address water scarcity in cold deserts and higher altitude regions that experience snowfall.

One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia.
Documentary movie about life in Yakutia, the coldest inhabited region on Earth with the lowest recorded temperature -71°C (-95°F) and the average winter temperature -50°C (-58°F).

Snow harvesting is a method used to address water scarcity in cold deserts and higher altitude regions that experience snowfall.

In Siberia’s northeastern region of Yakutia, villagers are harvesting ice. Water from the ice is their only source of drinking water through the long winter when the tap water freezes.

By raincentre

You will find here best resources on rainwater harvesting and purification in my blog and websites. Copyright lies with the respective content creator and writer. I started RainWaterHarvesting Yahoo Forum in June 2003.

Please free to write to me at raincentre at duck dot com.

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